Certain parts of our body can cause us to feel bad about the way we look. Just think of an individual who has flabby arms. Instead of feeling confident in their appearance, they will use long-sleeved shirts and other clothing to cover up their arms. They may feel self-conscious when they clap or engage in other activities that causes their arms to shake. They do not feel comfortable going to the beach and wearing a swimsuit. For an individual who is in this circumstance, an arm lift can help them to feel confident again.
Individuals may experience flabby arms for a variety of reasons. First, as we get older, we lose fat in different areas of our body. At times, we can lose fat in our arms, and this can cause our skin to sag. Even though most people think the idea of losing fat in their body is a good thing, when it is in certain places, it causes the skin on top of the fat to become wrinkly and saggy. This leads a person to have flabby arms, even if they had toned and muscular arms most of their life.
Second, a person can have flabby arms if they were at one point overweight and then they lost weight. They feel good about their weight loss, but they feel bad about their appearance. After losing weight, they thought that they would feel confident wearing sleeveless shirts and bathing suits. However, that flab under their arms causes them to feel embarrassed.
An arm lift is a surgical procedure that is designed to get rid of excess skin on the arms. Excess fat and tissue can also be addressed. When excess tissue, fat and skin are all removed, the remaining skin can be pulled tight and the arms are left looking contoured and smooth. This surgery can help people to feel confident wearing sleeveless shirts and bathing suits. When a person waves or performs other movements with their arms, there is no longer that jiggle or shaking.
When you come to Princeton Plastic Surgeons for your initial consultation, we are going to want to make sure that the arm lift procedure is right for you. When our patients understand exactly what the procedure can do for them, they are almost always happy with the results they see. An arm lift procedure could be just what you need to get rid of flabby arms and feel confident in your appearance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Princeton.